About Us
As an AIG company, we take on our clients’ challenges and goals. Whether the need is as travel insurance or as complex as providing environmental coverage, our priority is providing clients with the confidence they need to prosper. Behind every policy we write is our commitment to deliver what matters most to them.
Our main products
Consumer Insurance
• Travel
Corporate Insurance
• Marine Cargo
• Directors & Officers Liability
• Property
• Professional Indemnity
• Third Party Liability
• Crime
• Products Liability
• Trade Credit
• Energy
About AIG
Operating in approximately 80 countries and jurisdictions, AIG’s worldwide perspective offers the benefit of global experience on current and emerging risks, while our local presence provides partners, clients and customers with access to professionals who understand local market needs.
AIG offers a range of general insurance products and services through a diversified, multichannel distribution network. Our strong capital position, extensive risk management and claims experience are valued by our clients along with our commitment to operational, technical and service excellence.
Additional information about AIG can be found at www.aig.com and www.aig.com/strategyupdate | YouTube: www.youtube.com/aig | Twitter: @AIGinsurance | LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/company/aig. These references with additional information about AIG have been provided as a convenience, and the information contained on such websites is not incorporated by reference into this document.
Rep/Contact Info

Ms. Tran B. T. Le
Ms. Tran B. T. Le
Casualty Profit Center Manager

Ms. Anh Ngoc Nguyen
Ms. Anh Ngoc Nguyen
Head of Warranty Service Programs

Mrs. Thanh N. T. Nguyen
Mrs. Thanh N. T. Nguyen
CEO & General Director

Ms. Trang Huyen Thi Nguyen
Ms. Trang Huyen Thi Nguyen
Head of Financial Lines