Renewable Energy*Energy, Oil & Gas and Chemical
About Us
Energy Capital Vietnam (“ECV”) is a Vietnam-focused project development and asset management company and platform for access and direct investment into energy infrastructure, transportation and real estate opportunities. Our Company leadership has a strong history of independent operations, execution and results delivery within dynamic environments containing multiple variables and uncertainties. Our investment thesis centers on rapid transitional growth as Vietnam liberalizes and modernizes its economy with an expanded industrial base to become more fully integrated into regional and global trade. ECV enables the origination of proprietary deal flow while assembling best-in-class US operational expertise to form project specific vehicles available for direct investment.
ECV is a privately held company that aligns strategic partners with exclusive deal access to create compelling investment opportunities for both equity and debt capital. The flexibility exists for each project opportunity to have its own unique investment structure with varying co-investment partners. The ECV management team and extended network is the connective tissue between Vietnamese and American interests. Our relationship network within the US enables us to move quickly to secure capital necessary for project development and implementation. We bridge relationships among host government, domestic Vietnamese stakeholders, US operational teams and US and Canadian based pools of capital.