Healthcare ConsultingHospitals & Clinics
About Us
Hoan My is committed to excellence in clinical practice, education and research, providing first-rate care. Our healthcare network includes more than 2,800 operating beds across 15 hospitals and 7 clinics.
Over our 24-year history, Hoan My has built a strong reputation for delivering affordable, high-quality, patient-centric healthcare. We take pride in striving to improve the quality of healthcare in Vietnam, contributing to the prosperity and wellbeing of our nation. Hoan My employs over 5,500 staff and accommodated over 4 million outpatient visits last year.
Our vision is to become the national healthcare champion and most trusted healthcare brand in Vietnam, with the mission to advance the health and well-being of all Vietnamese people, through a network of innovative and integrated patient centric healthcare clusters in large cities.