IndustrialOther Manufacturing
USA Office Hours: 8:00AM - 5:00PM CST (UTC -6:00)
About Us
Founded in 1955, Mi-Jack is recognized worldwide for high-quality, reliable Rubber-Tired Gantry Cranes.
Mi-Jack cranes have been designed and manufactured for decades at our Midwestern-USA facility, to stringent ISO 9001 standards. Innovations in electronically-controlled hydraulics allow faster, smoother operations, unlike any other cranes in the market. The use of CAD and dynamic modeling software optimizes structural stress conditions to provide trouble-free operation for decades. Mi-Jack is also the industry leader in providing maintenance services, inspections, repairs and parts for the Railroad, Port and Industrial sectors.
Today, Mi-Jack is poised for global expansion, with offices throughout North America, Panama, Germany and a new manufacturing plant in Bà Ria–Vung Tàu, Vietnam, launched 2022.