About Us
1. Education: Master of Biomedical Sciences - Harvard University
2. Position: Deputy General Director of Specialization
3. Involvement in Organizations:
+ 2012 – 2013: Assisted in experimental research on brain development at Harvard Medical School, Cell Biology Department: Van Vactor Lab.
+ 2015 – 2017: Senior scientific and medical consultant at Vietnam Initiatives.
+ 2016 - 2017: Nutrition control training to enhance treatment quality at the Clinical Nutrition Society. Nutrition training in metabolic diseases at Gia Dinh People's Hospital.
+ 2017 – 2019: Senior R& D consultant at Gia Dinh Hospital – Nutrition Department.
+ Certificate of Merit for ''Silent but Noble Models'' in 2022.
+ Master's thesis – Academic Advisors: Howard Libman MD, PhD (1), Donn Colby MD, MPH (2).
+ Research proposal: Antibacterial pro perties of Hylocereus undatus (white dragon fruit) against pathogens likely to be present in the skin, oral cavity, and digestive tract.
4. Television Appearances:
+ Dak Lak Provincial TV: Yangmiwa Japan x McKaizer Research Institute surveys the medicinal mater ial cultivation project in Dak Lak. [Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC8HgFi0Z70 ]
+ Tien Phong Newspaper: Celebrating silent but noble models. [Link: https://tienphong.vn/hai - viet - kieu - duoc - tuyen - duong - tam - guong - tham - lang - ma - cao - ca - post1477260.tpo .]
+ Lao Dong Newspaper: [Link: https://laodong.vn/xa - hoi/tphcm - se - tuyen - duong - 101 - tam - guong - tham - lang - ma - cao - ca - 1103486.ldo ]
Rep/Contact Info