Non-Profit & Associations
About Us
Founded in 2000 by Vietnam veterans, Rotarians and concerned citizens, the D.O.V.E. Fund is a charitable humanitarian organization dedicated to helping the people of Vietnam. The D.O.V.E. Fund works with Vietnam government agencies and in - country NGO’s to determine areas of need and applies appropriate resources to improve the lives of the impoverished in Vietnam. We hold fundraisers throughout the year, consult local officials in Vietnam to identify and finance projects, then return annually to ensure projects are completed on time and within budget. Primarily, but not exclusively, focused on the provinces of Quang Tri and Thua Thien Hue, the D.O.V.E. Fund has built 51 daycare centers, 19 elementary schools and one junior high. We’ve provided 5000 scholarships and tuition assistance to middle, high school and college students and funded 11 clean water projects, 175 hygienic latrines, 4 medical clinics, and provided disaster relief during flooding and the COVID pandemic. In addition, we have established 2 microfinance programs, 8 mobile libraries, 4 dental clinics, provided aid for victims of Agent Orange, leprosy and the visually impaired. We’ve also distributed over 440 solar lights and 700 P.E.T. (personal energy trans port) mobility carts.
Rep/Contact Info
Mr. William John Abbey
Mr. William John Abbey

Mr. Daniel J. Gregg Grzegorczyk
Mr. Daniel J. Gregg Grzegorczyk
Director of Communications

Mr. Robert Bob Hemmerlein
Mr. Robert Bob Hemmerlein

Ms. Linda McConville
Ms. Linda McConville